Awaken your Chakra

Remember not to force the Chakras to open, especially if they have been lying inactive for ages. It would create a lot of pressure on the soul and the mind which might even suffer a ‘psychic shock’. It would be like waking up someone from deep sleep and expecting him to dance in a full swing without giving him some time to attune his body to the sudden change from sub conscious to the conscious state. The body might pick up all kinds of energy around it and the consequent overload could cause total chaos and confusion for the doer of such meditative practice. So, the thumb rule is…..Work your way upward from the base and go slow.
Now that the body is prepared for going to the next level, let’s move on to Chakra-opening procedure.
Opening the Root Chakra
Let the tip of your index finger and thumb touch.
Concentrate on the Root Chakra located between the genitals and the anus and chant LAM.
Opening the Sacral Chakra
Place your hands in your lap with your palms up, on top of each other, and left hand under the right hand and touching the back of its fingers.
the tips of thumbs touch each other gently. Focus on Sacral Chakra (lower back) and chant VAM.
Opening the Navel Chakra.
Place your hands in front of your stomach, just below the Solar Plexus.
The fingers should touch each other and should point away from you. Keep the fingers straight and the thumbs crossed.
Concentrate on the Navel Chakra just above the level of Navel on the spine and chant RAM.
Opening the Heart Chakra.
Sit crossed legged with your index finger and the tip of thumb touching each other.
Place your left hand on your left knee and the right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (a little above solar plexus).
Concentrate on Heart Chakra and chant YAM.
Opening the Throat Chakra.
Clasp your fingers and let only the tips of thumbs touch each other. Pull the thumbs a little upward.
Concentrate on Throat Chakra at the base of the throat and chant HAM.
Opening the third Eye.
Place your hand in front of the lower part of your breasts. Join your hands (prayer like), the middle fingers should point upward while touching each other at the tips. The other fingers are bent and join each other at the lower phalanges while the thumbs (touching at the tips) point towards you.
Focus on the Third eye Chakra located slightly above the point between the brows and chant OM or AUM.
Opening the Crown Chakra.
Place your hands in front of your stomach and let the ring fingers point upward while touching each other at the tips. The rest of the fingers are clasped and the left thumb lies under the right thumb. Focus on the Crown Chakra at the top of your head and chant the sound NG.
(it is best not use this procedure for Crown Chakra if you don’t have a strong Root Chakra)
Chakra 1: Muladhara : Red - red garnet, black obsidian, smoky quartz
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra deals with human potential, primitive energy, basic survival needs and our foundations. Red is the colour associated with this chakra. A significant lack of energy here can make people weak and self-destructive.
Chakra 2: Svadhisthana : Orange - tiger's eye, carnelian
The second chakra is located just slightly below the navel, or belly button. This chakra is the centre of our sexual drive and emotions. The colour of this chakra is orange. A deficiency of energy here may cause a person to be immobilized by fear, burdened by guilt or distrustful.
Chakra 3: Manipura : Yellow - citrine, Yellow Jasper
The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and relates to will, power, and social identification. This chakra's colour is yellow. A lack of energy here may result in depression and confusion.
Chakra 4: Anahata : Green - malachite, green jade, rose quartz
The fourth chakra is located over the heart and relates to love, balance, compassion, and self expression. Green, and sometimes pink, is the colour of this chakra. Little energy in this chakra may cause paranoia and indecision.
Chakra 5: Vishuddha : Blue - sodalite, azurite
The fifth chakra is located at the throat and relates to communication, creativity, and self identification. The colour here is blue. A blocked chakra here can cause a person to be devious and manipulative.
Chakra 6: Ajna : Violet - lapis, fluorite
The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows at the third eye position relating to mind, intuition, and heightened self awareness. Violet is the colour here. Insufficient amounts of energy here can cause a person to be oversensitive and afraid of success.
Chakra 7: Sahasrara : White/ Indigo - amethyst, clear quartz
The seventh, or crown chakra, is located at the top of the head and deals with the experience of self- realization, wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment. Enlightenment is the culmination of all the other chakras and thus is depicted by white.