_How to recognize energy vampires and leaches.
The expression energy vampires or energy leaches is a simplistic way of describing people who drain and use your energy rather than use their own. This as you can imagine is not always as simple as that, although energy vampire pretty much covers the effect it has on you and your dwindling energy. Some people are not even aware they are draining your energy while others set out to drain or have a negative effect on the energy of another person. I wish to share some basic information to protect your energy and to recognize when this type of attack happens to you.
The basic unknowing energy vampire is the easy one to see, this person is most likely unaware of what they are doing, imagine having a great day, feeling fine and well with your day planned out and plenty of energy to do what you wish to do. You decide to meet a friend at a café for coffee, as you and your friend approaches you notice he/she is looking tired and listless maybe a bit pale. During the hour you are together you chat and your friend seems to become brighter, more alert and a little more cheerful, by the time you leave the café, your friend is quite bubbly while your own energy has dwindled and you are feeling less enthusiastic than you previously had been, your day is now going downhill rapidly.
An energy transfer has occurred between the two of you, your friend has replenished their own low energy supply from your high energy supply, and this has left them able to continue on their day with a full tank, while you now are going to struggle to achieve your planned goals for the day. This may be a common occurrence with this person and you put it down to them being emotionally needy and this is why you feel so tired after chatting with them.
Protect your energy
Simply protecting your own energy will stop or minimize this energy transfer ensuring you can enjoy your friends company while maintaining your own energy flow, they will not gain access to your energy and will begin to use their own energy or unfortunately find someone else’s energy to drain upon.
You will find some basic but effective energy protection or self grounding techniques at the bottom of the page. Some do take a little practice and sometimes you will still give away smaller portions of your energy even when using energy protection.
There are some energy leaches or manipulators that are harder to detect, in fact some are almost impossible to detect until your energy for some reason is separated from theirs. The reasons behind this are many and varied depending on the people involved, obviously trust is a main issue here, if you trust a person you would not expect that they are draining on your energy or that they are creating a negative change in your own personal energy field. I find this to be very invasive and just plain rude.
These changes in your energy often show types of symptoms which alone can also be hard to recognize, tiredness and lethargy are the first things you may notice followed by sudden or dramatic drops in your energy level for no apparent reason like illness or lack of sleep. You may even come to notice that your energy level is depleted when you are with certain people yet remains intact while you are with different people, all these changes no matter how subtle are your own ‘physical alarm’ that is trying to alert you to a possible problem.
Affirmative action
If you feel this is not a deliberate action, continue your friendship as normal but protect your energy using the techniques listed below or create your own technique to protect your precious energy field. I find that meditation, a healthy diet and lots of water and juices help to bolster your natural energy.
If you feel this action against your energy is deliberate and the person(s) responsible are willingly and knowingly stealing your energy or altering it by projecting negative or unwanted energy onto you and your energy field, then more decisive action may be needed. This is a choice that you and you alone can make, you need to decide if you wish to keep the person in your life or continue your life’s journey without that person.
No matter what course of action you decide upon you will need to separate your energy from the energy of the person who is attacking you.
Separating energy
I will describe a meditation/visualization that is an effective aid in seeing the connection cords between your energy and that of the energy vampire. Again you can create your own or use a meditation that has worked for someone you may know, but always choose a meditation that you are comfortable with and one that is not too complicated.
Using a calm meditation focus on your 3rd eye and see yourself lying on your back, imagine a golden cloud underneath you that gently lifts you into the air so you are free floating. Look at your etheric body, your aura and ask your guides to show you any attachments, you should begin to see thin string like attachment coming from your etheric body and trailing through the air to another body, keep your focus on yourself rather than following the cords back to the other body. See your energy grow strong from deep within you and push out all the way to the outer edges of your aura snapping the cords and healing where they were connected. Visualize the cords turning to dust and floating away, they are no longer connected to you and can no longer drain or affect your energy.
Energy and Protection
Protection (shielding) for yourself and your energy is paramount to a healthy exchange of energies between people, I find that even on an "every day" basis, energy exchanges can leave one feeling exhilarated, sad, lonely, depressed or tired. The more sensitive a person is the more they feel the drain from another person’s energy field.
Often the person does not realise why they suddenly feel so low or why their friend who seemed quite tired and drawn before that sat and had coffee and a chat together, now 30 minutes later seems quite refreshed while they themselves now feels lethargic. I use this visualisation technique often; I find it easy to do yet very effective.
This visualization sometimes takes a bit of practice so don’t feel discouraged it will still work even if you dont see it fully
Imagine a tennis ball sized ball of energy in your tummy, this energy can be what colour you chose, pink or blue or green, purple etc, and I use golden yellow or bright white
Imagine you can see the ball in your tummy and feel its energy, (good strong, loving protective energy)
Imagine the ball grows bigger until it fills your entire body (head to toes)
then imagine the energy growing outside your body as well as inside and going to about 12 inches around your body,, (egg shaped)
Focus on feeling protected and safe, and know that no spirits that are not meant to be there can pass into the energy,
To protect your home, grow the energy again and as it fills your home it will push out any spirits or residual energy that is not meant to be there,
Feel the same protection for your home as well as ourselves,
You can also cleanse crystals and other objects by holding in your hands and grow the light (energy) around the objects and seeing the energy cleansing the item.
Self grounding.
stand barefooted on the grass with your arms by your side, face the sun or moon and open your palms to the sun or moon as well, take slow deep cleansing breaths as the energy runs through your body and connects you to the air and the earth
Chakra Alignment
Visualise the 7 chakra colours running from down your spine. Imagine a string connecting the colours from beyond the top of your head to beyond your feet, with your mind’s eye gently pull the string till it is straight and the colours are perfectly in line, take slow deep breaths as you do this exercise.
Chakra 1: Red – base of spine
Chakra 2: Orange – lower tummy
Chakra 3: Yellow – above belly button
Chakra 4: Green – chest
Chakra 5: Blue - throat
Chakra 6: Violet - brow
Chakra 7: White – top of head
Copyright © 2010 Angels Psychic Realm. All Rights Reserved.
The expression energy vampires or energy leaches is a simplistic way of describing people who drain and use your energy rather than use their own. This as you can imagine is not always as simple as that, although energy vampire pretty much covers the effect it has on you and your dwindling energy. Some people are not even aware they are draining your energy while others set out to drain or have a negative effect on the energy of another person. I wish to share some basic information to protect your energy and to recognize when this type of attack happens to you.
The basic unknowing energy vampire is the easy one to see, this person is most likely unaware of what they are doing, imagine having a great day, feeling fine and well with your day planned out and plenty of energy to do what you wish to do. You decide to meet a friend at a café for coffee, as you and your friend approaches you notice he/she is looking tired and listless maybe a bit pale. During the hour you are together you chat and your friend seems to become brighter, more alert and a little more cheerful, by the time you leave the café, your friend is quite bubbly while your own energy has dwindled and you are feeling less enthusiastic than you previously had been, your day is now going downhill rapidly.
An energy transfer has occurred between the two of you, your friend has replenished their own low energy supply from your high energy supply, and this has left them able to continue on their day with a full tank, while you now are going to struggle to achieve your planned goals for the day. This may be a common occurrence with this person and you put it down to them being emotionally needy and this is why you feel so tired after chatting with them.
Protect your energy
Simply protecting your own energy will stop or minimize this energy transfer ensuring you can enjoy your friends company while maintaining your own energy flow, they will not gain access to your energy and will begin to use their own energy or unfortunately find someone else’s energy to drain upon.
You will find some basic but effective energy protection or self grounding techniques at the bottom of the page. Some do take a little practice and sometimes you will still give away smaller portions of your energy even when using energy protection.
There are some energy leaches or manipulators that are harder to detect, in fact some are almost impossible to detect until your energy for some reason is separated from theirs. The reasons behind this are many and varied depending on the people involved, obviously trust is a main issue here, if you trust a person you would not expect that they are draining on your energy or that they are creating a negative change in your own personal energy field. I find this to be very invasive and just plain rude.
These changes in your energy often show types of symptoms which alone can also be hard to recognize, tiredness and lethargy are the first things you may notice followed by sudden or dramatic drops in your energy level for no apparent reason like illness or lack of sleep. You may even come to notice that your energy level is depleted when you are with certain people yet remains intact while you are with different people, all these changes no matter how subtle are your own ‘physical alarm’ that is trying to alert you to a possible problem.
Affirmative action
If you feel this is not a deliberate action, continue your friendship as normal but protect your energy using the techniques listed below or create your own technique to protect your precious energy field. I find that meditation, a healthy diet and lots of water and juices help to bolster your natural energy.
If you feel this action against your energy is deliberate and the person(s) responsible are willingly and knowingly stealing your energy or altering it by projecting negative or unwanted energy onto you and your energy field, then more decisive action may be needed. This is a choice that you and you alone can make, you need to decide if you wish to keep the person in your life or continue your life’s journey without that person.
No matter what course of action you decide upon you will need to separate your energy from the energy of the person who is attacking you.
Separating energy
I will describe a meditation/visualization that is an effective aid in seeing the connection cords between your energy and that of the energy vampire. Again you can create your own or use a meditation that has worked for someone you may know, but always choose a meditation that you are comfortable with and one that is not too complicated.
Using a calm meditation focus on your 3rd eye and see yourself lying on your back, imagine a golden cloud underneath you that gently lifts you into the air so you are free floating. Look at your etheric body, your aura and ask your guides to show you any attachments, you should begin to see thin string like attachment coming from your etheric body and trailing through the air to another body, keep your focus on yourself rather than following the cords back to the other body. See your energy grow strong from deep within you and push out all the way to the outer edges of your aura snapping the cords and healing where they were connected. Visualize the cords turning to dust and floating away, they are no longer connected to you and can no longer drain or affect your energy.
Energy and Protection
Protection (shielding) for yourself and your energy is paramount to a healthy exchange of energies between people, I find that even on an "every day" basis, energy exchanges can leave one feeling exhilarated, sad, lonely, depressed or tired. The more sensitive a person is the more they feel the drain from another person’s energy field.
Often the person does not realise why they suddenly feel so low or why their friend who seemed quite tired and drawn before that sat and had coffee and a chat together, now 30 minutes later seems quite refreshed while they themselves now feels lethargic. I use this visualisation technique often; I find it easy to do yet very effective.
This visualization sometimes takes a bit of practice so don’t feel discouraged it will still work even if you dont see it fully
Imagine a tennis ball sized ball of energy in your tummy, this energy can be what colour you chose, pink or blue or green, purple etc, and I use golden yellow or bright white
Imagine you can see the ball in your tummy and feel its energy, (good strong, loving protective energy)
Imagine the ball grows bigger until it fills your entire body (head to toes)
then imagine the energy growing outside your body as well as inside and going to about 12 inches around your body,, (egg shaped)
Focus on feeling protected and safe, and know that no spirits that are not meant to be there can pass into the energy,
To protect your home, grow the energy again and as it fills your home it will push out any spirits or residual energy that is not meant to be there,
Feel the same protection for your home as well as ourselves,
You can also cleanse crystals and other objects by holding in your hands and grow the light (energy) around the objects and seeing the energy cleansing the item.
Self grounding.
stand barefooted on the grass with your arms by your side, face the sun or moon and open your palms to the sun or moon as well, take slow deep cleansing breaths as the energy runs through your body and connects you to the air and the earth
Chakra Alignment
Visualise the 7 chakra colours running from down your spine. Imagine a string connecting the colours from beyond the top of your head to beyond your feet, with your mind’s eye gently pull the string till it is straight and the colours are perfectly in line, take slow deep breaths as you do this exercise.
Chakra 1: Red – base of spine
Chakra 2: Orange – lower tummy
Chakra 3: Yellow – above belly button
Chakra 4: Green – chest
Chakra 5: Blue - throat
Chakra 6: Violet - brow
Chakra 7: White – top of head
Copyright © 2010 Angels Psychic Realm. All Rights Reserved.