How to get the most out of your intuitive reading!
An intuitive, psychic or medium reading can be a very different experience for each client as each person has different expectations and seeks a different and unique response or outcome.
I hope to help you to get the most out of your reading and make it a good experience for you and for your reader.
Your reader takes his or her calling very seriously and a huge amount of time and energy goes into your reading and as such your reader wants a good outcome for you, as it is such a personal and in depth connection for them.
Think outside the box with any reading, readers have different and varying ways to find and interpret the information that they are given, this means that someone who read energy could easily pick up sensations or impression from people around you, they may not be able to tell the difference, it is the readers job to give you the information and for you to interpret that information, so tell them as communication is an integral part of a successful reading.
Your reader should not ask you a lot of questions, this is called fishing and they will then give you back that information with new wording, this is not good.
However if a reader is simply asking for you to verify that they are on the right path and this is what you are looking at is known to you or familiar, then that is not fishing as they are not asking you to provide details, simply verify.
Keep in mind that future readings may be unknown to you as some of this information that the reader gives you will be planned or thought about while some of it will be totally new to you and as such you will not recognize it for weeks, months or even a year from the time of your reading. Don’t be too quick to dismiss something unfamiliar.
Cold reading is where a reader uses basic memorized card meanings with positions and they look to your responses to see how they are going, these readings can be quite good but generalize a lot and what you are told could fit many people. There is very little if any psychic or intuitive energy used at all.
Decide before hand what questions you would like to ask and write them down as once things get going you may forget what you would like to ask.
As for an email reading provide a photo, your date of birth and ask your questions in as much detail as you can. Email readings can be done for anyone anywhere in the world, energy is universal and a photo connection is made to read you. Generally (up to) 10 cards will be drawn and each card is given one of 10 positions. The card name, position name and the information sensed from the card will be typed out and emailed to you upon completion, these can be quite time consuming for the reader to perform.
An interactive reading in person or on the phone will allow you to ask questions or change the direction of the information as you go along, and if something you seek does not make an appearance in your card spread, ask your reader as they will have tool at their disposal to help find this information.
Many readers use crystals and pendulums as well as cards, while a medium connection is more a visual and sensed connection. Many readers use all of these in one reading if it is required.
Always enter your reading with an open mind, and truthful agenda, lying even to yourself will give a confused and mixed reading as the reader will see the truth and the deceit.
Our soul mate is not always our lover nor are we always meant to be with someone even if we love them with all our heart, be prepared to hear this is it fits your energy. And remember that your reader will be truthful with you and they will also feel your sorrow and pain as well as your joy.
Enjoy your readings and make the most of them.
Blessed Be
Angela Elizabeth Maidman
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